AMAS Constitution (2015)

1. Name of Organisation

Aylestone Meadows Appreciation Society

2. Purpose of organisation

To promote the use of Aylestone Meadows by all, to enhance and maintain the diverse habitats that exist there and to help create a pleasant, safe, clean and peaceful environment for all users.

3. Membership

Membership is open to all who support the purpose of the organisation and no application for membership will be refused unreasonably. No person shall be denied membership on grounds of religion, ethnic origin, disability, sexual orientation, gender or age.

An annual membership fee will be agreed each year at the Annual General Meeting and a register of members shall be kept.

4. Annual General Meeting (AGM)

The AGM will be held in February or March each year.   The meeting will receive accounts for the previous financial year, elect a Chairperson, Secretary and Treasurer as officers and a committee. Members will receive a minimum of 28 days’ notice of the AGM.

5. The committee

The committee will consist of up to 10 members, including the three officers. The committee’s role is to facilitate the work of the general meetings of the organisation and put forward proposals to the general meetings. The quorum for a committee meeting is 5 members. Voting will be by a simple majority.

6. General meetings

There will normally be up to six meetings in a year, dates for which will be set at each preceding meeting. Members will be notified by e mail or telephone. The quorum for general meetings will be 7 members. Voting will be by simple majority.

7. Changes to the constitution

Changes may only be made at an Annual General Meeting or at an Extraordinary General Meeting to which all members will be invited. A minimum of 28 days’ notice must be given to all members.

8. Closing the organisation

In the event of the organisation closing any grant-aided equipment or outstanding grants will be returned. The balance of assets will be given to a charity agreed by the members.

9. Partnership

All members of the Society will work closely with appropriate partners when developing any aspect of Aylestone Meadows for the benefit of all uses.